Author Archives: Marixie Ann
Author Archives: Marixie Ann
Statins are becoming well known for their anti-inflammatory effects. People are now using them to control asthma and its symptoms.
Millions of people suffer from asthma, an autoimmune disease that has become more prevalent in the recent years. Attacks are normally characterized by inflammation on the linings of the airways. Steroid drugs, commonly given in a form of an inhaler, are the most common way to control wheezing. Statins, having anti-inflammatory properties, may be able to help reduce symptoms.
Did you know that approximately 34 million people in America now suffer from asthma? About 7-8 million are kids. Aside from missed school and work days every year, asthma costs is likewise becoming a major problem. Medical costs along with lost productivity make people look for effective home remedies to control asthma.
We all know that asthma medications may have side effects because of how they affect the immune system and the endocrine system. Some research shows that asthma drugs may cause problems like acne, yeast growth, weight gain, and mood changes. Over time, they may possibly alter the normal immune functions, making allergic reactions much more frequent.
Pregnancy is one of the most exciting phases in a woman’s life. Physical changes may be accompanied by changes in your mood or emotions. You may not know exactly what to expect every single day. You may feel uneasy, tired, or even cranky today and hyper and happy the next day. With all these changes, the very last thing that you would want to think about and experience is an asthma attack.
Asthma is a known comorbidity during pregnancy and its prevalence is continuously increasing. Exacerbations are major problems, occurring in up to 45%. Nearly half of all pregnant women with asthma ask for medical help. This may result in poor outcomes for moms and their newborns. There is a risk for preterm delivery and low birth weight.
Are you suffering from asthma or any other types of allergy? According to the Allergy and Asthma Foundation, nearly 50 million people in the US suffer from nasal allergies. For most cases, the trigger is a microscopy bug called dust mite. Luckily, you can now get effective allergy relief with the use of high-quality, portable carpet cleaners.
Let’s try to know more about dust mites first.
Asthma is a very common lung disease causes coughing, wheezing, and difficulty in breathing. Researches would say that asthma results from hypersensitivity of the airways. If someone with asthma is exposed to allergens, his or her airway will start to constrict and inflammation of the tissues immediately follows. At the same time, there will be excessive production of mucus in an attempt to clear out the allergens in the airways. A constricted, inflamed airway with too much mucus will really cause difficulty in breathing.
Allergies and asthma usually go together in babies and toddlers. According to Dr. Moss from the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics, approximately 80% of kids with asthma also have allergic rhinitis. Allergy triggers for asthma in kids are very much common.