Marixie Ann
Marixie Ann

Author Archives: Marixie Ann

Easy to Use Kits Can Help Reduce Dust Mite Allergen Levels

Dust mites are very small creatures that cannot be seen with the naked eyes. They measure 0.4 millimeters long and commonly feast on flakes of the human skin. Their poops contain a substance known as DerP1. This is a very potent allergen. Patients who have allergies may present with symptoms similar to asthma or eczema.

Many of us think that replacing bed covers and pillows on a regular basis secures us from dust mites thriving in colonies. Those who have allergies to dust mites do need to take preventive measure. But how do we know if what we are doing is good enough for protection?

This is where specific dust mite test kits become very important.

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Never Get Caught Unaware of Asthma! It Can Be Dangerous!

Asthma is a serious condition, but a timely intervention can help big time! Uncontrolled asthma has become a significant problem. In 2010, more than 3,550 Americans died from asthma attacks and approximately 20 million suffer from asthma, making it one of the top 10 chronic diseases by prevalence. Even if fatality has decreased with the introduction of effective medications over the past few years, you should never ignore a flare-up.  Even if there is no cure for asthma, a strict compliance to the most appropriate treatment option can help avoid flare-ups.

It is known that a treated patient can live a normal life. But what happens to those who are untreated? The dangers of untreated asthma can be troublesome not only in terms of health but also financially. They may range from everyday discomforts to long hospital stays or even death.

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The Best Carpet Cleaners to Shoo Away Dust Mites and Allergic Triggers

Most people opt to rent carpet cleaning machines at the nearby local hardware. However, if your home has plenty of carpeted floored rooms, it is a wiser move to purchase your own.

Investing in a carpet cleaning machine is important in a busy household. If you want to make sure that your house is spotless, you will need a dependable carpet cleaning machine to get the job done. This is also very crucial in maintaining an allergy-free environment. In the event that one of the family members have asthma or dust mite allergies, you need to get one pronto!

At under $150, you can have a machine that can help every member of the family remain healthy while maintaining a home that is all spick and span at the same time.

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Is Your Skin Allergy Related to Asthma? Know the Facts!

Skin asthma is more popularly known as eczema or atopic dermatitis. It is a chronic skin disorder that lasts for a long time. It is not contagious though. The word “atopic” is synonymous with asthma and hay fever. “Dermatitis” refers to inflammation.

Atopic dermatitis normally presents with itchiness, hence patients do scratching of their skin. Little do they know that this will further complicate the condition?

Skin asthma is very common among kids, younger than 5 years old. Girls are more prone to develop this condition as compared to boys. For others, skin asthma may come and go while some suffer from it regularly. Knowing the causes and the signs and symptoms of skin asthma will better help you manage this uncomfortable condition.

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