Laundry detergent is often an overlooked irritation for people with asthma and allergies. Many of the leading brands of laundry detergents have irritating fragrances and chemicals that can make allergies and asthma worse.
For many asthmatics the best laundry detergent to get is unscented and all natural laundry detergent; although, some people with minor asthma or allergies can tolerate some scents. It is important to look for a detergent with plant based ingredients instead of petroleum based ingredients.
Allergies and asthma interfere with lives more than most people realize. It becomes difficult to do yard work, go on vacation, or even commute to work.
There are a lot of potential triggers out there. Working outdoors means working around pollen; working in the home means working around dust and mold; commuting means being around gas and fumes.
Having asthma and allergies can be debilitating in a lot of ways; sometimes it is just not being able to enjoy the scent of a candle at your friend’s house.
However, if you enjoy using candles, there are options for those who have asthma and allergies. The only downside is you may not be able to get them from the dollar store.
As long ago as 1890, researchers have known that paraffin wax (petroleum based) candles can be bad for your health.
A duvet and comforter will definitely keep you warm on a cold winter night, but trying to figure out which one is better to buy can be a bit tricky until you know the differences between them, especially if you’re an allergy sufferer.
A duvet is usually white in color and filled with down or a down alternative. You may hear duvets called “down comforters,” but comforters typically refer to warm bedding that could be any color or have any pattern, not just solid white.
Comforters may have down inside, but they are usually filled with synthetic material, which is what you want if you have allergies.
If you want a pattern or color and are hesitant to buy a duvet because you’re not really sure what it is, just purchase a duvet cover as well to protect it, which is essentially a duvet case that you can remove and wash.
For a lot of people, asthma is the curse of their existence. Some are lucky to have mild and few episodes. Asthma can flare during strenuous activities or may react to allergens, chemicals, and even emotional stress. In all cases, it can become worrisome to deal with even for those who have had it for several years.
Asthma causes reversible narrowing of the bronchioles due to inflammation of the mucous membranes or contraction of the diaphragm. If this happens, the patient will experience a tightness in the chest, difficulty breathing, coughing and wheezing with phlegm or mucus. And because this is a chronic condition with unpredicted patterns of exacerbations and remissions, it is very important to know how to control it.