Paulo Santos

Author Archives: Paulo Santos

Does Chlorine Bleach Kill Dust Mites in Laundry?

Are you allergic to dust mites? You are not alone! These annoying creatures are a common allergen. Dust mites are microscopic bugs that feed on dead skin cells and other components that make up household dust. The proteins in their faces and feces can trigger asthma and allergies in humans as well as dogs and cats.

Obviously, allergy sufferers need to reduce the dust mites in their homes so that they can breathe better! While you cannot eliminate dust mites, you can take measures to keep their numbers low. One way to do this is by using bleach in your laundry.

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Does Alcohol Kill HDM?

It’s likely that your sneezing and red eyes may be due to allergies, and the dust mites living in your house may be behind it all.

They live in your bed, your carpets, couches, soft chairs, clothes, and anywhere else dust gathers. In its life, a dust mite “can produce up to 200 times its own body weight in waste produce,” and this is what causes humans to have allergic reactions to them.

There are dozens of ways to reduce the number of dust mites living in your home, and alcohol has been touted as one of them.

Using five tablespoons of rubbing alcohol and mixing it with one gallon of water can kill dust mites. If you do that, however, make sure that you test that the fabric won’t stain by spraying it on a small area first.

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Does Washing Kill Dust Mites?

Your allergies and asthma could be due in large part to dust mites, those pesky, microscopic creatures that thrive in curtains, bedding, mattresses, fabric couches and chairs, rugs, and carpet.

They are relatives of the spider, and they eat flakes of skin from humans and pets that they naturally shed. They love warm and moist environments.

These critters are impossible to completely eliminate, but you can do a lot to significantly reduce their numbers in your home and to relieve your allergy symptoms.

Washing is one way you can gain mastery over the dust mite situation in your home.

Putting your bedding in the washing machine has been scientifically proven to help reduce the number of dust mites in the home to levels low enough that people do not have as many problems with their allergies and asthma.

A simple trip to the laundromat or to your laundry room can make a positive impact on your health.

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What Kills Dust Mites Naturally? – 10 Natural Ways

On a scale of one to completely disgusting, dust mites are probably not as high on the list as roaches, bed bugs or other pest infestations.

However, for those who already experience allergies or asthma, dust mites can be a big problem. The mites feed off of our shed skin scales and pet dander.

Dust mites don’t bite; it is their decaying bodies and excrement that cause many people to have an allergic reaction.

Luckily, there are plenty of ways to prevent dust mites or kill them if they are already a problem. Although there are the usual methods with chemicals you can either buy at the store or have the exterminator bring, there are also plenty of natural ways to prevent and kill dust mites.

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Best Pillows for Side Sleepers with Allergies

It is estimated that as many as 50% of Americans suffer from allergies. Allergies are not just a daytime annoyance.

For many people, allergies – with the accompanying itchy eyes, stuffy nose and post nasal drip – also rob them of sleep. Since allergies inflame the nasal passages, snoring, difficulty breathing and obstructive sleep apnea may worsen, causing disrupted sleep.

There are many ways to alleviate nighttime symptoms; One of the most highly recommended is the use of hypoallergenic pillows and bedding.


The reason is that over time, the filling of many pillows clumps together because of sweat and dead skin cells. Dust mites and mold – which are common allergy triggers – thrive in this environment. Hypoallergenic bedding will keep these at bay.

Side Sleeping

People – including allergy sufferers – have different sleeping styles. No matter how one sleeps, it is important to maintain good spinal alignment to avoid aches and pains.

For side sleepers – that is those who sleep on their side with legs straight or curled in a fetal position – a pillow with good, firm support is important to avoid neck and back strain.

The pillow should be high enough to keep the neck and spine in a natural horizontal line.

Quick Comparison: Best Pillows for side sleepers with allergies

Our Choice
Coop Home Goods - Premium Adjustable Loft Pillow - Hypoallergenic...
Utopia Bedding Gusseted Quilted Pillow (2-Pack) Premium Quality...
Fill Material
Shredded Memory foam
100% Polyester gel fiber
Cover Material
60% Polyester 40% Bamboo
100% Cotton
Our Choice
Coop Home Goods - Premium Adjustable Loft Pillow - Hypoallergenic...
Fill Material
Shredded Memory foam
Cover Material
60% Polyester 40% Bamboo
Utopia Bedding Gusseted Quilted Pillow (2-Pack) Premium Quality...
Fill Material
100% Polyester gel fiber
Cover Material
100% Cotton

Recommended pillows for side sleepers with allergies

1. Coop Home Goods Shredded Hypoallergenic Memory Foam Pillow

The Coop Home Goods Shredded Hypoallergenic Memory Foam Pillow with removable polyester and bamboo derived viscose rayon cover is a dust mite resistant and hypoallergenic option for allergy sufferers.

Made in the United States, this product features certified pure foam that is tested and free from chemicals.

The pillow comes in standard, queen and king sizes. The cover is removable and designed to keep sleepers cool. The inner pillow has a customizable shape and firmness due to shredded memory foam.

Coop home goods pillow


  • There are several positive aspects to this product including the fact that the entire pillow is machine washable and can even go in the dryer.The cover is also removable for cleaning.
  • The company guarantees that this pillow will not flatten or lose its support.
  • The pillow can be customized to different shape and support levels. It can be bended, folded and fluffed without the foam losing its support.
  • Since the inner pillow has a zippered opening, foam can be added or removed to perfect the support level for side sleepers.
  • It doesn’t feel hard and fluffs up shortly after its vacuum sealed delivery.
  • Coop Home Goods is so sure customers will love this pillow that the company offers a 30-day return guarantee and a 5-year limited warranty.


  • While overall a good, high-quality product, some side sleepers may find that the pillow – as is – does not provide enough support for side sleeping.
  • The price tag is also higher than the average pillow.


Overall, the Coop Home Goods Shredded Hypoallergenic Memory Foam Pillow is hypoallergenic, completely washable and customizable making it a great, convenient every day pillow for allergy sufferers.

Though some may find it lacks support for side sleeping, foam can be added for more support.

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2. Utopia Bedding Gusseted Queen Hypo Allergenic Quilted Pillow

Utopia bedding gusseted

The Utopia Bedding Gusseted Queen Hypo Allergenic Quilted Pillow is another option for side-sleeping allergy sufferers.

These durable, long-lasting pillows feature double stitching, a high thread count, a 100 percent cotton cover and a gusseted edge to maintain shape.

These pillows are available in queen and king sizes and are filled with a medium-firm blend of polyester gel fiber.


  • Satin piping.
  • Long lasting.
  • Made of materials free from harmful substances.
  • Cheaper than Coop Home Goods Shredded Hypoallergenic Memory Foam Pillow.
  • Quilted 250-thread-count cotton construction.
  • Not too soft and not too firm.


  • Some side sleepers may find that these pillows are too soft and do not have enough support depending on preference.
  • These pillows contain a polyester fill, which tends to go flat sooner than memory foam, so these may lose supportiveness after several months.
  • Requires dry cleaning for the best results which some may find a hassle, but they can be washed with cold water and tumble dried on low.


The Utopia Bedding Gusseted Queen Hypo Allergenic Quilted Pillow may not hold up as long as some other, costlier, pillows.

It can take more care to clean as well.

Overall, however, the Utopia Bedding Gusseted Queen Hypo Allergenic Quilted Pillow is a great low-cost, quality option for allergy suffering side-sleepers.

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With so many people suffering from allergies at night, hypoallergenic pillows can be an important part of getting a good night’s sleep.

These pillows keep allergy triggers like dust mites and mold from growing in the bed.

Since people spend an average of 8 hours a night in bed, the comfort of the pillows is also an important consideration.

For side sleepers, it is important to maintain healthy spinal alignment. If the spine is not aligned, this causes strain and can lead to discomfort.

Side-sleepers need a supportive pillow that does not leave the neck at an angle. So, side-sleepers who also suffer from allergies may benefit from a supportive, hypoallergenic pillow.

Featured image By Jessicaalderson (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 ], via Wikimedia Commons

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