
Search Results for: asthma

Can Buckwheat Pillows Trigger Asthma and Allergies?

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Do you have the right pillow to help you deal with your asthma and allergies?

Today, there are many alternative pillows on the market!

Many of them help with dust mite problems and other allergies, but some can make allergy problems worse.

How much do you know about buckwheat pillows? Can this type of pillow help your allergies, or can it make them worse?

In this article, I’ll talk about buckwheat pillows, and their value (or lack thereof) to allergy and asthma sufferers.

Curious about buckwheat’s relation to allergies? Read on to learn more!

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Have Asthma? Cut Back on Sugar!

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Sugar might do a lot more than just plumping up our kids, it could also trigger asthma as what most researchers suggest.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that approximately 18.4 million adults in the US have asthma. An additional 6.2 million US kids are also living with this condition.

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Best Asthma and Allergy Friendly Stuffed Animals Toys

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For children with allergies, finding the right plush animal toys can be a challenge. Shopping for stuffed animals at a thrift store is almost impossible, and dedicated toy stores may have a limited selection.

Thankfully, asthma friendly toys are becoming more and more commonplace as allergy awareness continues to grow.

Among other things, the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America has been working to certify toys that meet their standards as “allergy-free.”

Being able to buy stuffed animals for your kids that won’t make them sick is a great feeling. But before you buy a toy for your kids, there are other things you need to consider.

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Have Asthma? No Need to Restrict Milk From Your Diet!

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Milk products have long been associated with asthma due to increased mucus secretion, and it is not surprising to know that people, and sometimes, even doctors, believe that it is needed to avoid dairy products if you have asthma. However, emerging data from current studies and other literature are showing different results. Some say that regular-fat milk products may even have a protective role against this condition. The components in milk that are said to be beneficial include vitamin D and fat.

Knowing the importance of milk in support for growth and development and as part of a balanced and healthy diet, is it really recommended to restrict milk among asthmatic patients?

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Best Essential Oil Diffusers for Asthma

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Suffering from asthma can be difficult, as there is no known cure. However, many have praised the healing and soothing effects of essential oils for asthma.

Have you ever enjoyed the aroma of a rose? If so, you have experienced what essential oils are like.

Essential oils come from plants and are highly concentrated versions of the plants’ natural oils. The oils take on the characteristics of the plants, both the smell and any of the plants’ characteristics.

When purchasing oils, you can opt for a single oil from a particular plant or oil blends, which combine oils to produce a certain effect. Essential oils increase energy, improve health and improve sleep.

Once you have decided to use essential oils, you might want to try an essential oil diffuser. These units disperse essential oils into the atmosphere so you can better experience their healing and therapeutic properties.

Essential oil diffusers range in type and price, so there are many available to choose from.

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