
Category Archives for "Allergy Products"

Do The Dust Mite Mattress Covers Really Work?

The simple answer to this question is yes, these covers actually prevent dust mites from making you sick. If the dust mite mattress that you are using is well-constructed, you will be able to ward off most of the allergens. The researches and studies done on this subject are the proof.

Dust Mites Can Ruin Your Health

Your mattress could hold from one hundred thousand to a few million dust mites. These little critters love damp and dark places. This is exactly the conditions that these millions of dust mites will find in your mattress. They want to keep house in dark and damp mattresses.

Live and dead dust mites are equally dangerous to your health. Living dust mites dig in the mattress and multiply. Live ones poop and crawl over the other dead mites. The feces and the body parts of dead mites are the allergens that make you sick.

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Can Dust Mites Live in Memory Foam Mattresses and Pillows?

Memory foam is often marketed as the miracle substance for all things comfy, from pillows to mattresses and beyond. I have to admit that I like how memory foam feels, too!

However, some people say it’s more than just a material to help you have sweet dreams. In fact, some believe that dust mites can’t live in memory foam mattresses or pillows at all!

If this is true, than memory foam is an awesome option for anyone who suffers from dust mite allergies. If it’s both comfortable and hypoallergenic, then it’s a win for anyone!

However, not everyone agrees that memory foam can help battle dust mites. In the world of dust mite allergies, this is a pretty controversial topic.

So, who is right? Let’s examine the evidence and come to a conclusion! Read on for an overview of both sides of the issue.

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Does Borax Kill Dust Mites?

If you suffer from dust mite allergies, you’re probably always on the lookout for ways to reduce the little bugs that cause your allergies.

Dust mites like to burrow in your carpet, hang out on your bookshelf, and snuggle up in your clothes, so eliminating dust from any of these areas will help to reduce the dust mite problems in your home!

If you are wondering about the effectiveness of Borax, you are in the right place. Read on to learn how Borax works and how you can use it control dust mites.

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Does Chlorine Bleach Kill Dust Mites in Laundry?

Are you allergic to dust mites? You are not alone! These annoying creatures are a common allergen. Dust mites are microscopic bugs that feed on dead skin cells and other components that make up household dust. The proteins in their faces and feces can trigger asthma and allergies in humans as well as dogs and cats.

Obviously, allergy sufferers need to reduce the dust mites in their homes so that they can breathe better! While you cannot eliminate dust mites, you can take measures to keep their numbers low. One way to do this is by using bleach in your laundry.

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Does Alcohol Kill HDM?

It’s likely that your sneezing and red eyes may be due to allergies, and the dust mites living in your house may be behind it all.

They live in your bed, your carpets, couches, soft chairs, clothes, and anywhere else dust gathers. In its life, a dust mite “can produce up to 200 times its own body weight in waste produce,” and this is what causes humans to have allergic reactions to them.

There are dozens of ways to reduce the number of dust mites living in your home, and alcohol has been touted as one of them.

Using five tablespoons of rubbing alcohol and mixing it with one gallon of water can kill dust mites. If you do that, however, make sure that you test that the fabric won’t stain by spraying it on a small area first.

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