The spring season is all fun with the sunshine and flowers but for those who have asthma, it could be the worst days of the year. That tightness that you feel in your chest, difficulty of breathing, wheezing, and a dry, persistent cough are just some of the tell-tale signs that you are possibly having an asthma or allergy attack.
According to the Allergy and Asthma Foundation of America, around 1 out of 5 people in the US have allergies or asthma. Whether it is you or a family member who has an all year round indoor allergies, you need to take extra measures to keep your home free from allergens like dirt, pollen, dust mites, etc. The greatest source of allergen is your home flooring. It’s time to avoid these symptoms by keeping your house clean and and sparkling! Listed below are some excellent products and tips you can try to naturally fight asthma and allergies.
Statins are becoming well known for their anti-inflammatory effects. People are now using them to control asthma and its symptoms.
Millions of people suffer from asthma, an autoimmune disease that has become more prevalent in the recent years. Attacks are normally characterized by inflammation on the linings of the airways. Steroid drugs, commonly given in a form of an inhaler, are the most common way to control wheezing. Statins, having anti-inflammatory properties, may be able to help reduce symptoms.
Did you know that approximately 34 million people in America now suffer from asthma? About 7-8 million are kids. Aside from missed school and work days every year, asthma costs is likewise becoming a major problem. Medical costs along with lost productivity make people look for effective home remedies to control asthma.
We all know that asthma medications may have side effects because of how they affect the immune system and the endocrine system. Some research shows that asthma drugs may cause problems like acne, yeast growth, weight gain, and mood changes. Over time, they may possibly alter the normal immune functions, making allergic reactions much more frequent.
Read Customer Reviews as an allergy or asthma sufferer, you no doubt know that some plants aggravate your symptoms.
A case in point is the 2006 study by Mahillon, Saussez, and Michel of Belgium that found that nearly 80 percent of participants in the study had positive results of skin prick tests to at least one plant tested, and the most frequent plants that caused sensitization were Ficus benjamina, yucca, ivy, and palm tree.
What if you could populate the inside of your house, however, with plants that actually help your symptoms? A 1989 NASA study found that several plants can actually help reduce indoor pollution.
The Knox County, Tennessee Master Gardener organization points out that the new emphasis in energy efficiency that results in tightly sealed spaces and synthetic building materials ends up causing pollutants to be trapped in buildings that are not well-ventilated.
Five of those plants and their air-scrubbing properties are listed here to help you create a cleaner indoor environment and thus to potentially improve your health.
If you suffer from asthma or other allergies you probably know that dust is a major culprit when it comes to exacerbating these conditions. Dust often contains minute fragments of pollen, mold, and lint which can make these ailments worse.
An air filter may be of help. Air filters catch dust and other allergens and trap them before they can escape into the environment and cause harm. The right air filter can improve the air quality of an environment and reduce the incidence if airborne toxins.