Author Archives: Paulo Santos
Author Archives: Paulo Santos
We all know that the most obvious way to get rid of dust mites, germs and allergens is to clean meticulously, but even this can’t completely eradicate the problem of allergens.
It is mostly impossible to completely sanitize your house; however, there are some other ways than mopping, vacuuming, dusting and cleaning to help rid your house of dust mites, germs and other allergens.
UV-C lights sanitizers have become popular recently and have proven in scientific studies that they are effective in eliminating germs. They also can help eliminate dust mites.
UV-C are ultraviolet rays that are usually filtered out in the earth’s atmosphere. They can, however, be harnessed in other ways to kill germs.
Hospitals use UV-C lights when sterilizing instruments and surgery rooms. Industrial UV-C lights used in hospitals have to be used safely, mostly when people are not present in the room.
UV-C lights have also been used in various ways for years such as sanitizing water. Thanks to recent technology, the use of UV-C sanitizers can now be used by normal people in normal houses.
When you wake up in the morning, do you find that you have to blow your nose constantly for a good while?
Do you have to sneeze several times before you even get to drink your coffee?
Do you have itchy watery eyes?
Does the runny nose and sneezing disappear after a few hours?
If that sounds like you, I can certainly relate!These annoying allergy problems are exactly why I started this blog.
The good news is that there are very simple solutions for the morning allergy blues.
They helped me, and they can help you, too! What can you do? Read on to find out!
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Air purifiers have been designed to remove as many indoor air pollutants as possible.
Some of these indoor air pollutants include dust mites, mold, bacteria, cleaning products, paints, smoke, allergens, pollen and animal dander.
Do Air Purifiers help with Dust Allergies and Asthma?
To answer this question let us first understand the working principles of air purifiers.
29 Dust mites Facts and Frequently Asked Questions! Everything you need to know.
Do you have the right pillow to help you deal with your asthma and allergies?
Today, there are many alternative pillows on the market!
Many of them help with dust mite problems and other allergies, but some can make allergy problems worse.
How much do you know about buckwheat pillows? Can this type of pillow help your allergies, or can it make them worse?
In this article, I’ll talk about buckwheat pillows, and their value (or lack thereof) to allergy and asthma sufferers.
Curious about buckwheat’s relation to allergies? Read on to learn more!